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SoCal UA Intergroup Meetings Directory

To the best of our knowledge, this directory is accurate and up to date. Contact us to request any listing additions or changes. We aim to update the directory within a week of receiving any requests. 

 Weekly SoCal UA Meetings Calendar

Below is the calendar listing of all the SoCal UA Intergroup meetings for the week. Click on a meeting for more details. Dots on the calendar depict in-person, online or hybrid meetings. Special workshops or SCUA intergroup meetings will also be displayed here. Times are listed in your current time zone

Online Meetings

All meetings in this directory were founded or are based in Southern California and are therefore listed in Pacific Time Zone. Login details for each meeting can be found by clicking specific meetings on the calendar above. Please use the contact form to inform us about any meeting corrections or new or discontinued SoCal UA Intergroup online meetings. 


6:00AM - 7:00AM PT 

- Black in UA


10:00AM - 11:15AM PT 

- From Hiding and Biting to Shining and Receiving

7:15PM - 8:15PM PT 

- Hancock Park: HP in the G.P. (Goals Pages)



6:00AM - 7:00AM PT 

- Black in UA

10:00AM -11:00AM PT

- UA Step Writing Meeting

4:00PM - 5:00PM PT  

- Culver City: Underearning and Our Thinking (Job Focus)

6:30PM - 7:45PM PT  

- Online Artists in Prosperity

7:00PM - 8:00PM PT

- Neurodiversity & UA

7:00PM - 8:00PM PT

- Sunland UA Meeting 


6:00AM - 7:00AM PT

- Black in UA  

8:00AM - 9AM PT 

- 7 Figure Earning With Ease:

6:00PM - 7:00PM PT

- Black in UA

- Palm Springs UA

7:00PM - 8:00PM PT  

- Sherman Oaks Worth & Action Meeting

7:30PM - 8:30PM PT

- Hancock Park, Steps & Promises To Prosperity

8:00PM - 9:00PM PT 

- Culver City: Transforming Trauma into Healing and Recovery


6:00AM - 7:00AM PT

- Black in UA


10:30AM - 12:00PM PT 

- Miracle Mile: Return to Prosperity 

12PM - 1PM PT

DA/UA Combined Tools Study 


7:30PM - 9:00PM PT 

- Altadena Prosperity and Abundance: Visions and Goals 


6:00AM - 7:00AM PT  

- Black in UA

8:00AM - 9:00AM PT 

- Manifest Miracles

6:00PM - 7:00PM PT 

- Lifting the Weight of Complex Trauma and Toxic Shame

7:00PM - 8:00PM PT 

- Huntington Beach: Waves of Prosperity 


7:30 AM - 8:30 AM PT

- UA Rainbow LGBTQIA+

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT

- Santa Monica: Steps And Tools Meeting

10:30AM - 11:30AM PT 

- San Diego: Actioning Recovery


8:00AM - 9:00AM PT

- BIPoC Shining & Receiving 

12PM - 1:30PM PT

- Neurodiversity & UA


4:30PM - 5:30PM PT

- Silver Lake: Early Bird Turning Point

In-Person Meetings 

All meetings in this directory were founded or are based in Southern California and are therefore listed in Pacific Time Zone. Addresses and available contact information for each meeting can be found by clicking specific meetings on the calendar above. Please use the contact form to inform us about any meeting corrections or new or discontinued SoCal UA Intergroup in-person meetings. 


7:15PM - 8:15PM PT

- Hancock Park: HP in the G.P. (Goals Pages), Bethel Lutheran Church, Los Angeles


Currently no in-person meetings​


6:00PM-7:00PM PT

- Huntington Beach: Waves of Prosperity Live, How Hall, Huntington Beach


4:00PM - 5:00PM PT

- Underearning and Our Thinking (Job Focus),  Culver City

6:15PM -7:15PM PT

- Hollywood Artists in Prosperity, LGBT Center, Los Angeles


12PM - 1:00PM PT

- DA/UA Combined Tools Study, Culver City

6:00PM - 7:00PM PT

- NELA Miracles in Recovery Literature Study, Glassell Park Senior, Los Angeles

7PM to 8PM PT

- Shining and Receiving, Santa Monica


11:00AM - 12:00PM PT

- Farmers Market: Speaking of Prosperity, Los Angeles


1:30PM - 2:30PM PT

- 7 Figures with Ease, Farmer's Market, Los Angeles 

Every UA group in the Southern California area can be a member of SCUA Intergroup and is encouraged to send one voting representative to Intergroup meetings. Monthly meetings of SCUA Intergroup are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 12:15PM - 1:45PM PT. Any UA member may attend as a member-at-large. 

​Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 648 445 7623
Pwd: 611455

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